The Acadians were expelled due to tension and mistrust caused by the war between New France & 13 English colonies. The British considered Acadians an agression to their land. The British military campaign to defeat New France was accompanied by the Expulsion (1755-1764). 1755-1764The deportation of Acadians. The Acadians were deported because of tension and mistrust after the war between New France & 13 English colonies. The British considered Acadians an agression to their land.

Out of the 3,100 Acadians expelled after Louisbourg’s fall in 1758, approximately 1,649 drowned or died of disease. This is a death rate of 53%. Between 1755-1763, 10,000 Acadians had to be deported. The Acadians were the descendants of French settlers. A few Acadians had made their way to Isle Saint-Jean by 1720. This island was still under French relocation. Acadians use Acadian French as their native language. Many people in Moncton speak English and Chiac.

The Motherland Acadians are represented by the Tricolour. The Acadian national symbols, Mary and Stella Maris, are represented by the yellow star, the Stella Maris. Because Mary’s favourite colour, blue, it is placed on a blue stripe. The Papacy is represented by the yellow star. Acadian Day of Remembrance commemorates more than 3,000 Acadians, who were deported to Isle Saint-Jean in 1758. The Acadian Great Upheaval, or 1758 deportation from Prince Edward Island of Acadians resulted in more than half the deported.


  • isabellehoughton

    Isabelle Houghton is a 36-year-old educational blogger and volunteer. She resides in the United States and has been blogging for the past 10 years. Isabelle is also a mother of two.

Expulsion Of The Acadians


Isabelle Houghton is a 36-year-old educational blogger and volunteer. She resides in the United States and has been blogging for the past 10 years. Isabelle is also a mother of two.

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